Program Purpose
This program is geared primarily, but not exclusively, to a new-hire or experienced employees. The aim of this program is to rapidly arm the employee with robust sales skills allowing the individual to get up to speed quickly in order to excel both as an individual as well as a team member under a well-documented, yet disciplined sales process. The JUMPSTART Program quickly instills the essential industry information, corporate discipline, personal confidence and motivation as well as the required sales and closing skills necessary to create POSITION TO WIN sales situations with every customer.
Who Should Attend?
New to industry, newly hired salespeople as well as experienced salespeople who are looking for a fresh restart for improved results.
4 times a year or every quarter (Recommended)
4 consecutive days, approx. 5 hours of instructor training
per day.
When & Where
WHERE: Choice of Dealership Facilities or Virtual Online Sessions or Off-Site locations requested by Client*
Program Includes
Sales Process Reference Manual
Approx. 20 hours of Interactive Instructor training
Quizzes and test
Certificate of completion
Sales Trainer
Our sales trainers have experience in training over hundreds of sales representatives from new hires to elite sales representatives. Our trainers have experience in retail dealership sales, financial services, sales management, and general management.
Program Highlights:
Introduction to POSITION TO WIN - cultivating more vehicle selections, demos & worksheets
Overview of Professionalism, Philosophy & Attitude - Assuming the sale! & What that means?
Setting Goals/Objectives/Expectations using the POSITION TO WIN sales process
POSITION TO WIN Sales Process Training - in-depth training of all 13 sales steps
POSITION TO WIN Sales Process interactive role play
Worksheet & Closing Bootcamp Training - Level 1 Strategic Closing Techniques
Interactive Worksheet & Closing role-play session - Level 1 Strategic Closing Techniques
How to market yourself
Appointments & Followup - How to cultivate and keep them alive?
Review and Ask the Trainer, Q & A?
Program Price
Call for pricing
Is this something you are interested in? Let's get started!
Contact Training Manager, Todd Martin at: or